
Animal Therapy: The Added Benefits of our Furry Friends

For most of us, we think fondly on our favorite childhood pet or family animal. Whether dog, cat, bird or even chickens, pets in all shapes and sizes have captured the hearts of many of us as our faithful companions and friends. We are grateful for the laughs they...

Thornton Addiction Therapy

Thornton Addiction Therapy

Thornton Colorado provides an incredible environment for people in recovery. The rocky mountains are a great resource for people to engage in outdoor activities in tandem with traditional evidenced based therapies. Rather than dive into the various outdoor activities available to you in Colorado, we’ve decided to dive into the evidenced based therapeutic practice you’re likely to encounter while pursuing your Thornton Addiction therapy treatment.

Denver Sober Living

Denver Sober Living

Historically, Denver Colorado has not had robust sober living options. Whereas the east coast has had a system of affordable sober living for over 30 years, Denver has only recently seen major improvements in Sober living options. In 2022 Denver sober living finally...

What Is Regret?

What Is Regret?

What Is Regret? One of the strongest and most difficult emotions people can feel is regret. If this sensation goes unaddressed, it can have cascading negative effects on one’s life. But what exactly is regret? Simply put, it’s a mix of emotions typically encompassed...

What Is A Functional Addict?

What Is A Functional Addict?

What Is A Functional Addict? Functional addicts are incredibly prevalent in our society. According to researchers at the NIAAA, approximately 20% people with alcohol use disorder qualify as functional. For a myriad of reasons, high functioning addicts typically go...

What’s An Intervention?

What’s An Intervention?

What’s An Intervention? It can be incredibly challenging to sit idle while watching a friend or loved one struggle with substance use disorder (SUD). One of the common themes you’ll hear in recovery is, “I wasn’t ready to accept help until I hit my rock bottom.” While...

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