Healthy Boundaries In Relationships

Healthy Boundaries In Relationships

Why Are Boundaries Important? Before diving into why boundaries are important, let’s begin with what boundaries are. Simply put, boundaries are physical or emotional limits to help someone safeguard their well-being. Unhealthy boundaries are thoughts and actions used...
Rehab Is The Best Option For Sobriety

Rehab Is The Best Option For Sobriety

How Is Addiction Treatment Measured? Before we dive into how addiction treatment programs measure their success rates, it’s important to acknowledge the characteristics of addiction. First, Substance Use Disorder (SUD)  is a chronic disease. Similar to heart disease...
Mental Health and Addiction

Mental Health and Addiction

The Link Between Mental Health And Addiction The interconnectivity of mental health and addiction is incredibly profound. Many people diagnosed with mental health also struggle with addiction and vice versa. According to the National Institute on Drug Abuse,...
What Is Fentanyl

What Is Fentanyl

What’s Fentanyl Over the past few years, some storylines have highlighted the increase in deaths associated with Fentanyl. If you’re wondering, “what’s Fentanyl,” look no further. Fentanyl is a synthetic opioid that’s 50-100 times more...
Exercise In Early Recovery

Exercise In Early Recovery

Effects of Substances On The Body & Mind Drugs and alcohol can impact the body and brain in many ways. Substances like Fentanyl activate neurons in the brain by bonding too neurotransmitters and imitating naturally occurring chemicals in the brain including...